Police save 5 pit bull puppies from asphyxiation Webchoc.com
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    Police save 5 pit bull puppies from asphyxiation

    New York City police officers rescued five pit bull puppies trapped in a bag and about to suffocate. They had spotted a woman, Shirley Medina, trying to sell them in the Queens neighborhood. The police found that the puppies were in distress and had no means of breathing inside the bag. Medina claimed that the bag had holes for air, which turned out not to be true. She was arrested and charged with five counts of torture and animal neglect. The puppies were turned over to the ASPCA for care and evaluation. A sixth puppy, which was safely in Medina's arms, was not included in the charge.

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    • arakrichna Signaler  

      Est-ce qu'un chiot vole plus ou moins loin qu'un pigeon avec les ailes serrées avec des rilsans ?

      20/06/2024 à 01:04:45
    • bodusboub Signaler  

      vraiment une grosse connasse cette femme. Faut les noyer !!!

      21/06/2024 à 10:42:54
      • Babybel  Signaler  

        "le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ignore"

        22/06/2024 à 16:52:45

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