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    Huge brawl at Los Angeles graduation for students on probation

    A large-scale brawl broke out at the graduation ceremony of students on probation taking place at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles. The incident was triggered by a targeted attack on a student by an individual jumping from a second-floor balcony. Gunshots were heard outside, according to local reports. The ceremony was dedicated to around 150 students, 29 of whom were on probation. According to the Los Angeles County Probation Department press release, all youths on probation had been secured prior to the incident. Four people were apprehended, but their identities and the reasons for their arrest are not yet known.

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    • malomarie Signaler  

      Vivement leur guerre civile, je trouve que ça patine un peu en Ukraine, je veux une nouvelle série.

      18/06/2024 à 13:58:12

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