Bionca Ellis, 32, is accused of murdering a 3-year-old boy in Cleveland. She was seen stalking Julian Wood and his mother before attacking the child with a knife in a supermarket parking lot. At the hearing, Ellis refused to answer the judge's questions, flashing a smirk. After answering "no" to almost every question, she finally pleaded not guilty. Bail was set at $5 million.
Cette femme démoniaque sourit alors qu'elle vient de tuer un enfant de 3 ans
— C'est vraiment arrivé (@cvraimentarrive) June 11, 2024
Bionca Ellis, accusée de l'homicide d'un garçon âgé de 3 ans dans un parking d'un supermarché de Cleveland et d'avoir blessé sa mère, affiche un sourire déconcertant lors de son audience préliminaire.…
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