Here's a video that's a few years old and seems to have slipped under my radar. The scene takes place in Israel, and for some reason that escapes me, a local and his wife (who is filming) attack a Russian man. Apparently, they're criticizing him for not speaking Hebrew. The Russian man, who answers in Russian, orders them not to touch him, as he could put them to sleep quickly..
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Lolalix c'te méchante droite bien placée avec pivot de la hanche de Tyson
07/06/2024 à 13:18:40oh je m'y attendais pas, je le prenais pour un gros poivreau !! joli !
07/06/2024 à 13:46:54joli !
07/06/2024 à 15:12:12rapide le gars...
07/06/2024 à 22:01:20
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