WTF German politician films himself licking the toilet
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    WTF German politician films himself licking the toilet

    Martin Neumaier, a German politician from the Free Democratic Party (FDP), has sparked controversy after the release of a video showing him licking toilets and brushes in a public restroom. The video quickly went viral, provoking widespread outrage and raising questions about his mental state and fitness for public office. Mr. Neumaier's actions have been condemned by many, and speculation is rife as to the possible consequences for his party and political career.

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    • guitou13 Signaler  

      Entre lui et l' autre (un italien si je me souviens) qui bouffait sa merde...

      16/05/2024 à 10:30:20
    • Baribal Signaler  

      C'est possible ça ? Mais c'est dégueulasse, faut être complètement taré !!

      16/05/2024 à 15:01:33
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Ah ces gauchistes, ils aiment bien la merde décidément (autant celle des chiottes que celle qu'ils nous importe en masse).

      16/05/2024 à 17:47:53
      • steflefrancais  Signaler  

        FDP est de gauche? ???????? Inculte

        17/05/2024 à 13:29:09

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