A teenager in Brazil snatched a gun from a bank security guard and shot him. The 16-year-old, accompanied by his mother, grabbed the pistol from the holster of guard Samuel da Silva and seriously wounded him in the neck. After the incident, the young man hid behind his mother, with the other guards intervening by firing without hitting him. He was arrested on the spot and taken to the police station, where he did not explain his actions. According to the military police, the boy had a mental disorder, and the investigation is continuing to understand his motives.
Un jeune de 16 ans abat un agent de surveillance à São Paulo (Choquant)
— C'est vraiment arrivé (@cvraimentarrive) May 9, 2024
Un adolescent de 16 ans a saisi l'arme d'un agent de sécurité dans une banque de São Paulo et l'a abattu d'une balle dans le cou.
Les images de vidéosurveillance montrent le jeune homme attrapant le… pic.twitter.com/4eQ8oW1rSg
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