The tragic story of an 81-year-old woman with Alzheimer's disease sexually assaulted in her Los Angeles home has shocked the community. Hidden cameras installed by her family captured the incident, revealing a man who abused her vulnerability. The man was found after a police manhunt. The family, appalled by the horror of the attack, stressed the importance of protecting vulnerable elderly people in the community and holding the attackers accountable for their heinous acts.
Un violeur profite d'une femme de 81 ans atteinte d'Alzheimer
— C'est vraiment arrivé (@cvraimentarrive) May 5, 2024
Un homme a agressé sexuellement une patiente âgée atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer après avoir frappé à sa porte et profité de sa confusion.
La victime de 81 ans, résidant à Pacoima, Los Angeles, a été abusée sans…
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