A Turkish man tries to stab two Israeli policemen and is killed (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    A Turkish man tries to stab two Israeli policemen and is killed (Warning - shocking)

    A knife-wielding man, identified as Hasan Saklanan, a Turkish national, attacked two Israeli police officers in a narrow alley in Jerusalem's Old City. The assailant, after stabbing one of the officers, was overpowered and eventually shot dead by the police. The wounded officer was moderately injured and is being treated in hospital. This incident comes a week after a ram car attack in the same city. Police are still investigating this act of terrorism.

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    • leo3 Signaler  

      Un de moins !!!

      01/05/2024 à 18:20:15
    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Oui mais bon , c'est un Turc !

      01/05/2024 à 18:24:04
      • okaj  Signaler  

        un truc en moins

        09/05/2024 à 22:20:21

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