He loses both his legs while driving at 320 km/h on an open road Webchoc.com
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    He loses both his legs while driving at 320 km/h on an open road

    In a tragic accident on the N1 near Century City, Taufiq Carr, a 26-year-old businessman from Mitchells Plain, lost both his legs. Carr was driving his BMW M3 at an excessive speed of 320 km/h when he hit the median. Severely injured in the head and legs, he was treated at the scene by ER24 paramedics before being transported to Vincent Palotti Hospital, where his legs were amputated. A passenger was also present and escaped with only a cut finger.

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    • malomarie Signaler  

      Faudra qu'il rachète une automatique.

      29/04/2024 à 20:52:34
      • Baribal  Signaler  

        ça changera peut être pas, j'ai connu un paraplégique qui roulait comme un taré !

        30/04/2024 à 17:10:07
    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      Esperons que ca serve de lecon mais j'y crois pas

      01/05/2024 à 03:21:45
    • ferrailleur Signaler  

      BM c'est du solide...

      01/05/2024 à 22:52:37

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