A woman acrobat falls from a height of 4 meters during a Russian circus act Webchoc.com
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    A woman acrobat falls from a height of 4 meters during a Russian circus act

    In a Russian circus, Elizaveta Chumakova, a 24-year-old acrobat, fell 3.6 meters during a trapeze act. She lost her balance while trying to grip a ring, falling feet-first without a safety net. She was hospitalized with fractures, but her injuries were not life-threatening. It was the first fall of her ten-year career.

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    • arakrichna Signaler  

      Imagine qu'une bouteille est été laissé par terre.

      Si elle arrive aux urgences avec un Jéroboam dans le fiak, les urgentistes ne pourront pas ne pas la croire.

      23/03/2024 à 16:21:18

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