A devastating fire in a 14-storey residential building in Valencia, Spain, has taken a tragic toll. The fire, which broke out on Thursday afternoon, claimed the lives of at least four people, and fourteen others are missing. The structure of the building, comprising 138 apartments, prevented firefighters from gaining access to the interior to bring the flames under control, so they concentrated on cooling the façades. The source of the fire is believed to be a highly flammable polyurethane coating on the facade, which contributed to the rapid spread of the fire.
— Gorka 5.81 (@gorka581) February 22, 2024
Bombero saltando a colchón de rescate tras atrapamiento por llamas. Sin palabras...
Mucho ánimo al personal interviniente
Video de RRSS pic.twitter.com/GO0MxozQBt
Solo rezo para que hayan salido todos… #Incendio #valencia pic.twitter.com/R9yVjXiRow
— ???????????????????????????????? (????-????????) (@PPval69) February 22, 2024
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