Her dog attacks a disabled man, she is condemned by the courts (Video) Webchoc.com
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    Her dog attacks a disabled man, she is condemned by the courts (Video)

    In Ipswich, a mother of three, Skye Georgina James, has been criticized for her "chronic neglect" after her dog, an American Staffordshire Terrier named Shadow, escaped and attacked a man on a disabled scooter and his dog. The incident, which occurred last January, led to injuries for both the man and his dog. Despite her attempts, Skye was unable to subdue Shadow, who was eventually separated from the other dog thanks to the help of local residents. The court decided on a fine of $4,000 for Skye, highlighting "incredible incompetence" in managing the animal, who had to be euthanized.

    Skye Georgina James, 27 ans, a plaidé coupable en février d'avoir laissé son American Staffordshire Terrier, nommé Shadow, attaquer le conducteur de scooter de mobilité Shane Stein et son chien Scooby en janvier dernier

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    • myosine Signaler  

      elle était clairement pas faite pour avoir ce chien.... et arrête de gueuler, crier n'est jamais utile pour calmer une situation.... ces truies qui hurlent, t'as juste envie de les kicker...

      20/02/2024 à 15:11:08

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