In Indonesia, a shaman named Suprianto tragically lost his life after venturing into a crocodile-infested lake in Kutai Kartanegara. Confident in his alleged supernatural abilities to master these creatures, he was searching for the body of a teenager, Arjuna, the victim of an attack the day before. Unfortunately, in the middle of an incantation, Suprianto was overwhelmed and did not survive. The authorities recovered the bodies of both victims, confirming the sad outcome of this bold but ill-advised intervention.
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Heureusement pour moi qu'il n'y a pas de croco dans les rivières françaises.
13/02/2024 à 16:50:27Seulement des gros silures !! Mais bon, il n'attaque pas les humains .
13/02/2024 à 18:36:08Excellent le choix de la musique !
14/02/2024 à 20:03:52
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