In Miami Beach, in the middle of the day, a family experienced a terrifying moment when a 26-year-old man, Nicolas Sternaman, attempted to kidnap their 4-year-old son from a CVS pharmacy. The father quickly intervened, managing to free his child from the hands of the assailant. The mother also took part in the confrontation. Fortunately, the boy was unharmed and immediately secured by his mother. Sternaman fled but was arrested shortly afterwards by the police. He now faces serious charges, including aggravated child abuse.
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Peur d’être pris au sérieux.
vas y lâche toi... t'en dis trop... ou pas assez !
14/02/2024 à 20:19:07fallait pas le laisser partir put1
14/02/2024 à 20:19:59
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