He does a wheelie with his motorcycle, it ends badly (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    He does a wheelie with his motorcycle, it ends badly (Warning - shocking)

    This biker (TcDiamond559), seeking popularity, attempted a wheelie with his girlfriend behind him and collided violently with a pole. Despite this irresponsible act, and the chaotic first-aid actions of witnesses (such as shaking an unconscious woman to check she wasn't pretending to be asleep), both protagonists survived (src).


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    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      Deja cheh et pas merci a leurs potes qui ont bien faillis les achevés

      29/01/2024 à 12:51:47
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Ah génial absolument tout ce qu'il faut pas faire.

        29/01/2024 à 20:58:29
      • arakrichna malomarie Signaler  

        Il fallait mettre la main 20 cm plus haut.

        29/01/2024 à 21:59:02
      • malomarie arakrichna Signaler  

        C’est clair, et je l'ai pas entendu dire non.

        29/01/2024 à 23:24:40

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