A thief has a tough time with two brothers Webchoc.com
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    A thief has a tough time with two brothers

    In Albuquerque, a video has gone viral showing a smoke shop owner, Ibraim Alqam, tackling an armed robber in his store. The incident began when the masked gunman entered the store, heading towards the back office while brandishing a handgun. Alqam, noticing the intruder on surveillance, confronted and overpowered him, assisted by his brother. During the scuffle, the robber's girlfriend attacked them with pepper spray but fled. The robber, Julian Martinez, was arrested and faces multiple charges. The Alqam brothers expressed frustration with local crime and their determination to protect their business. The police, however, advise against such confrontations.

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    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      c'est ça qu'on aime voir, une bonne petite raclée.

      20/01/2024 à 05:25:05
    • bodusboub Signaler  

      Albuquerque... Better call Saul s'il veut s'en sortir..!!

      20/01/2024 à 12:07:37
      • kaotic  Signaler  

        excellente référence ; )

        21/01/2024 à 16:04:09

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