In Blount County, Tennessee, an altercation led to a shooting and a suicide. On Friday evening, police were called to Friendsville after a report of a gunshot. At the scene, Kyle Spitze, wounded in the ear, told officers that Jeffery Scott West, 68, had shot him during an argument. Negotiators and the SWAT team attempted to dialogue with West, but ultimately, a police dog found West dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Dans l'oreille ? il a eu de la chance !
17/01/2024 à 17:37:49Désolé mais vraiment webchoc c'est devenu webchochotte y'a rien de choc la dedans tout est flouté donc bon dans la vidéo non floutée on vois quelques gouttes de sang et le gars tombe contre une porte d'entrée.
18/01/2024 à 03:07:14
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