It's all going to hell in Ecuador (attack on a live TV channel)
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    It's all going to hell in Ecuador (attack on a live TV channel)

    Following the escape of José Adolfo Macías, alias "Fito", leader of the "Los Choneros" gang, and violent incidents in several prisons, a group of hooded criminals attacked the TC television station during a live broadcast, spreading terror, before being neutralized by the police. The President subsequently ordered military operations against 22 criminal groups classified as terrorists, whose names include Águilas, Choneros, and Los Tiburones. The crisis in Ecuador is also manifesting itself in explosions, explosive attacks and hostage-taking, underlining the seriousness of the country's security situation.

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      c'est pas le pays qui avait réglé la délinquance en ouvrant une prison énorme ? lol

      10/01/2024 à 17:19:23
    • myosine Signaler  

      c'est une dinguerie !

      10/01/2024 à 21:55:37
    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      ça a bien changé la star ac

      12/01/2024 à 18:58:00

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