In Argentina, a 26-year-old man was struck by lightning during a storm while staying with friends in Villa Mercedes. The incident occurred in the early hours of the morning. The young man, identified by his surname Berón, was hospitalized with burns covering 20% of his body, mainly on his abdomen and left thigh. According to medical reports, he is currently stable in intensive care. The event was captured by a nearby camera, showing the dramatic moment when lightning struck. Local media also interviewed the victim's sister, who mentioned that lightning struck her brother through the chain he was wearing around his neck, causing burns to several parts of his body.
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Oh un orage, mettons-nous sous un arbre. T'as vu ma nouvelle chaîne, j'ai fait une affaire je l'ai à peine payé gzii gzii gzii
09/01/2024 à 14:08:30En tous cas, il eu un sacré bol de s'en sortir.
09/01/2024 à 17:17:03Euh du bol , faut voir ..
09/01/2024 à 18:15:10
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