They rob a bakery after smashing through the entrance with a car
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    They rob a bakery after smashing through the entrance with a car

    On Tuesday night, a chaotic event occurred in Compton, California. Over 100 people stormed Ruben's & Mexican Food Bakery after using a white Kia to break down the front doors. The group was involved in an illegal street takeover that began at around 3am. The situation escalated when the thieves, some masked or hooded, invaded the bakery, seizing everything they could, including meat scales, food, groceries and lottery tickets. The damage amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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    • guitou13 Signaler  

      Lost-Angeles, futur lieu des JO

      08/01/2024 à 10:27:51
      • mathcoreisback  Signaler  

        tout le 93 et ses sales quartiers sont plus proche de Paris que compton ne l est de LA

        10/01/2024 à 09:32:48
    • bodusboub Signaler  

      ben 3hr du mat... Ils avaient un p'tit creux, normal quoi !?

      08/01/2024 à 17:19:03
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Tiens j'ai envie de baiser, je vais encore garder ma nièce.

        09/01/2024 à 23:34:51

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