African parliamentarian decapitates a chicken with her teeth (Warning - shocking)
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    African parliamentarian decapitates a chicken with her teeth (Warning - shocking)

    A shocking event has taken place involving Ponani Makhubele, a member of parliament in South Africa. A video shows her biting the head off a chicken. The scene, filmed near a river, was posted on the social media site X. In it, Makhubele, dressed in traditional healer's garb, performs a ceremonial rite by cutting off the chicken's head with her teeth, before throwing the animal into the water. The X community widely criticized this act, calling it barbaric.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  


      24/12/2023 à 21:45:58
    • Flomactu Signaler  

      Merci aux modo pour ce fantastique espace de liberté !

      27/12/2023 à 07:22:16
    • Noop Signaler  

      T’es où Sardine Rousseau?

      28/12/2023 à 19:04:39

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