A shocking incident occurred recently on a British street. A pit bull-type dog brutally attacked a golden retriever, despite their owners' desperate efforts to separate them. The scene begins with a man walking his golden retriever, when suddenly a pitbull pounces on them. Despite its similar size, the retriever takes refuge behind its master. The attack continues, with the pit bull firmly gripping the retriever's neck. The two men struggled to separate the animals for some forty agonizing seconds. Following the attack, the retriever's condition remains uncertain. This event raises questions about XL Bully dogs, renowned for their powerful jaws and implicated in several fatal attacks. Forthcoming legislation will make it illegal to own these dogs without a specific exemption in England.
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Vivement que ces chiens de merde soient interdits, même en France
21/12/2023 à 09:53:05C'est la journée des sales clebs ? Sérieusement, qui prend le risque d'avoir des chiens comme ça ?
21/12/2023 à 12:01:17Toujours un couteau sur soi lame large 4doigt double coupe ! c'est pourtant pas compliquer
21/12/2023 à 21:03:48
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