Police officer uses gun on woman in mental health crisis (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    Police officer uses gun on woman in mental health crisis (Warning - shocking)

    The son of 40-year-old Alivia Schwab filed a lawsuit after she was killed by police. The incident occurred in Morris, while she was experiencing a mental health crisis. Police responded to a call reporting that she was threatening herself with a knife. When they arrived, Schwab was on the phone, knife pointing at the ground. The lawsuit contends that despite instructions to use a Taser, an officer fired, killing Schwab, who was still holding the phone. This action is deemed excessive force and a violation of civil rights.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      rien d'excessif

      14/12/2023 à 14:20:03
      • okaj  Signaler  

        le taser a rechargé son télephone ?

        14/12/2023 à 17:06:56
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        C’est quoi qui aurait été excessif, qu'il flingue sa collègue, sa femme et ses enfants en rentrant le soir ?

        14/12/2023 à 18:33:08

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