Police officer goes into hiding after accidentally shooting woman in the head (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    Police officer goes into hiding after accidentally shooting woman in the head (Warning - shocking)

    In a police station in India, a woman was shot in the head. She was waiting for a question related to her passport when a policeman, handling his gun just inches from her, accidentally discharged it. The victim, Ishrat, collapsed, as shown in a disturbing video from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. She was rushed to hospital and is in a critical condition. The incident occurred at around 2.50pm. The police officer responsible is currently unaccounted for.

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    • arakrichna Signaler  

      Oui parce qu'en Inde, pour interroger une femme, à propos de son passeport, il faut obligatoirement être porteur d'une arme à feu.

      Sinon, tu n'es pas crédible.

      10/12/2023 à 12:55:08
      • cacaboudin  Signaler  

        Elle avait dû faire une grosse connerie parce que d'habitude ils sont adepte des grosses baffes Ce qui est chiant pour le flic est de se cacher jusqu'à 19h30 ensuite il pourras revenir

        10/12/2023 à 13:14:06

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