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    Following an altercation with employees, he destroys a restaurant by driving his car into it

    In a chaotic scene at the New York Chicken and Grill restaurant in Maryland, a 24-year-old man named Josyah Brown caused considerable damage. After an altercation with the staff, he destroyed a card reader and smashed the restaurant's door. Things escalated when Brown used his tow truck to drive through the restaurant's window. This action led to his arrest and several charges, including first- and second-degree assault and malicious destruction of property.

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    • Jubry Signaler  

      Tiens, c'est tellement surprenant !

      04/12/2023 à 08:54:23
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        c'est clair, malbouffe = cancer du cerveau.

        06/12/2023 à 20:13:31

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