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    Vehicle speeds 160 km/h through U.S. border crossing

    A vehicle exploded on the Rainbow Bridge, the border between the USA and Canada, after being thrown through the air at high speed and landing next to an immigration post. The incident, of suspected terrorist nature, was handled by the FBI's Counter-Terrorism Task Force. Two men aboard the vehicle died in the explosion. Their identities remain unknown and there were no other serious injuries. A suitcase was found in the vehicle, but it is not known whether it contained explosives.

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    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      niveau image, en 2023 on peut faire mieux je pense ! un poste frontiere avec aucune caméra qui donne sur la route, sur le poste.

      23/11/2023 à 18:22:33
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Niveau tactique aussi: deux morts c'est minable.

        26/11/2023 à 01:32:10

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