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    Yemeni extremists film themselves hijacking a ship in the Red Sea

    Houthi rebels in Yemen have released a video showing armed men descending from a helicopter and seizing a ship in the southern Red Sea. The video was published by the movement's Al Masirah TV channel, a day after the ship was hijacked by the Iran-backed group. The ship, named Galaxy Leader, was said to be linked to Israel. Although the ship does belong to an Israeli businessman, it is operated by Nippon Yusen, a Japanese shipping company, and no Israelis were present on board at the time of the attack.

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      "aucun israélien n'était présent à bord" ce fail lol

      21/11/2023 à 10:48:03
    • Gaijin Signaler  

      C'est fou la haine des israeliens chez les musulmans.
      Tout ca parcequ'ils ne supportent pas un territoire non musulmans dans leur expansion.

      21/11/2023 à 16:20:59
    • malomarie Signaler  

      A 01:34 le mec il a le tél perso d'Allah !

      22/11/2023 à 16:38:16

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