Kenneth Darlington, a 77-year-old retired American lawyer, shot dead two teachers during an environmental demonstration in Panama. They were blocking a road to protest against an open-pit copper mine. Before the incident, Darlington was quoted as saying "this ends today". He has been charged with murder and illegal possession of a weapon. Despite these charges, his age could keep him out of prison. Darlington had previously been convicted of illegal weapons possession and had links with a Panamanian accountant jailed for money laundering. The protests, which have been going on for three weeks, oppose mining operations in an ecologically sensitive area. Darlington, stuck in a traffic jam caused by the protest, got out of his car, confronted the demonstrators, and eventually opened fire. The next hearing will take place on November 15.
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ça devait arriver un jour ou l'autre !
09/11/2023 à 16:50:36grosse merde.
09/11/2023 à 17:46:16Question !
Qu'est-ce qui est "choc" dans cette vidéo ???
Non mais sans déconner...
Quel dechet ce mec mais que les gens osnt cons, quand un abruti te point avec un flingue lui tiens pas tete
10/11/2023 à 03:30:52Dommage qu'il s'en soit pris à une cause relativement valable, vu l'exploitation des gens sur le continent sud-américain. Y'a plein de déchet d'extinction rebellion, just stop oil ou de soulèvement de la terre à se débarrasser ici.
10/11/2023 à 18:25:46
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