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    Watch how he steals a phone using only a sheet of paper

    In a McDonald's in Nottingham city center, a customer had her phone stolen in just 10 seconds. A man approached her and asked her to take a look and sign an A4 sheet of paper. Using the sheet to hide the cell phone on the table, he cleverly took the device from under the paper and fled. Nottinghamshire Police shared the video to raise awareness of the methods used by thieves. They recommend keeping your phone out of sight, password-protecting it and using tracking apps in the event of loss or theft.

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    • yoyo14 Signaler  

      oh oui c'est encore Kevin ou Mathéo.

      02/11/2023 à 15:19:31
    • Baribal Signaler  

      Un rom ?

      02/11/2023 à 19:24:09
    • grostordu Signaler  

      J'aimerais bien savoir ce qu'il raconte

      03/11/2023 à 10:20:15
    • malomarie Signaler  

      "et d'utiliser des applications de suivi en cas de perte ou de vol."...des applications de suivi qui vous suivent aussi.
      Mister W travaille pour big brother; c’est désormais officiel.

      03/11/2023 à 21:11:21

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