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    Impressive: 5,000 South American migrants march towards the United States

    Faced with lengthy delays in processing their applications at the Tapachula Immigration Center in Chiapas, near the border with Guatemala, some 5,000 migrants have begun a march towards Mexico's northern border with the United States. Originating from Central America, Venezuela, Cuba and Haiti, these migrants, tired of waiting for weeks or even months, are seeking to legalize their status in order to work and circulate freely in Mexico. Caravan organizers, including activist Irineo Mújica, say the march is the largest since June 2022. Many leave because of difficult economic situations in their home countries and hope to be welcomed in the United States.

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      Ça en fait du monde à nourrir !

      01/11/2023 à 18:13:53
    • myosine Signaler  

      C'est l'avenir... il y aura de plus en plus de colonnes de migrants contre lesquelles nous ne pourront rien, même pas militairement... comment se regarder dans une glace après ? Totalement inenvisageable. Ils ont bien compris que nos puissances occidentales n'étaient que des géants aux pieds d'argile.

      01/11/2023 à 18:47:20

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