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    Teacher filmed tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis

    A controversial incident recently surfaced online, featuring Callen Zimmerman, former assistant professor at York College and doctoral student at Stony Brook University. In the video, Zimmerman is filmed tearing down posters about Israelis kidnapped in recent Hamas attacks. When a couple film him, Zimmerman tells them to "Go colonize elsewhere" and "Free Palestine", before verbally and physically shoving them.

    Stony Brook University responded by stating that Zimmerman's behavior did not reflect the values of the institution and that an investigation would be conducted to assess his off-campus actions. The college also reiterated its commitment to values such as respect and civility.

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      Professeur, ça ? Vos enfants sont en bonne compagnie !

      01/11/2023 à 17:45:12
    • Babybel Signaler  

      Attention aux lames de rasoirs......Zimmerman

      02/11/2023 à 21:43:56

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