Daylight execution of "TikTok Narco Queen" in Santiago (Warning - shocking)
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    Daylight execution of "TikTok Narco Queen" in Santiago (Warning - shocking)

    On a street in Santiago, Chile, Sabrina Durán, nicknamed the "TikTok Narco Queen", was executed in broad daylight by a masked assailant. A mother of one, she was on her way to a nail salon when three men stopped her. The video shows Durán trying to get up before being hit by several bullets. Durán's car was found in flames in Quilicura. Police are still investigating the motive, although sources suggest a case of score-settling. Durán had previously been arrested and convicted for drug trafficking. She also had a strong presence on TikTok, promoting beauty products, and had over 467,000 subscribers.

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    • Jubry Signaler  

      Suite logique ! Tik Tok ====> Pan Pan !

      31/10/2023 à 18:18:55
    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      A mourir de rire !

      31/10/2023 à 21:23:18
    • Bunta Signaler  

      Publique averti...
      Tout est floute.
      On est Web choc ou Web fragile?

      01/11/2023 à 21:46:17
      • majorcrisis  Signaler  

        Crazyshit ! Rubrique "cette semaine dans la brutalité".
        LOL ! C'est marrant ! C'est drôle ! C'est convivial... À regarder en famille.
        Ne me remercie pas, c'est gratuit.

        08/11/2023 à 21:19:09
      • Bunta majorcrisis Signaler  

        Sisi merci beaucoup pour cette découverte. ????????

        22/11/2023 à 18:43:23

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