In the Turkish town of Kocaeli, a tragic altercation broke out in a cab between the driver, Murat Karaca, and his customer, Mustafa G. For reasons as yet unknown, Mustafa G. threatened the driver with a firearm. When Murat Karaca tried to disarm his assailant, Mustafa G. shot him dead. The cab, out of control, rolled down a hill before colliding with a van and coming to a halt. Murat Karaca died instantly. The fugitive, Mustafa G., was apprehended by the regional crime squad.
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Je traduis (je parle le turc couramment): "le Hamas c'est tous des enculés", "quoi qu'est-ce t'as dit enculé", "pan", "ramasse la savonnette".
30/10/2023 à 11:56:07je confirme la traduction
31/10/2023 à 00:52:55
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