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    He gets dragged away by Hillary Clinton's security because he asks why her husband went to Epstein Island

    At a Hillary Clinton rally in Houston, Texas, a man named Alex Rosen, 23 and founder of the Predator Poachers organization, rose from his chair to loudly question the former U.S. Secretary of State about Bill Clinton's trips to Epstein Island. Without getting an answer to his question: 'Why did your husband visit Epstein Island 26 times?', Rosen was quickly overpowered and dragged out of the event by several security guards. In the confusion, his pride shirt was ripped off, leaving him half-naked. He then shared a video of the incident, which has since been viewed over a million times, and commented that he would "never shut up".

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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Une belle saloperie qui devrait être derrière les barreaux celle là (clinton, pas le mec qui à gueulé une vérité qui dérange les puissants).

      28/10/2023 à 20:24:31
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Je ne suis pas particulièrement fan de madame Clinton, mais pourquoi elle devrait aller en zonzon exactement ?

        30/10/2023 à 12:07:17
      • softxpert malomarie Signaler  

        La c'est Bill Clito qui est mis en cause

        30/10/2023 à 16:42:16
      • malomarie softxpert Signaler  

        Oui mais c’est sa femme que Trevilain veut envoyer au trou.

        30/10/2023 à 17:55:08

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