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    Son of Central African president assaults two people in Russia.

    Evariste Touadera, son of the President of the Central African Republic (CAR), caused an uproar in Kislovodsk, Russia, when he assaulted a man and a woman on August 28, 2023. Initially in Russia for a rehabilitation program accompanied by a delegation and therapists, Evariste disappeared shortly before his scheduled flight to Moscow. He was then found at the Kislovodsk train station, where he suddenly attacked his companions, injuring two Russians. The incident was captured on video.

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    • okaj Signaler  

      quel fils de p... président !

      25/10/2023 à 20:47:20
    • arakrichna Signaler  

      S'il a le droit, pourquoi s'en priver ?

      26/10/2023 à 00:01:00
      • Bafff  Signaler  

        ton commentaire m'inquiète encore plus que la vidéo.

        29/10/2023 à 16:50:08

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