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    2 police officers save a suicidal man from a bridge in extremis

    New York City police officers saved the life of a man threatening to jump from an overpass in Yonkers. Posted by Yonkers PD on Facebook, a video shows several officers trying to persuade the man to step away from the barrier at around 3:30am. As he appeared to reach out to the officer, the man suddenly jumped over the railing. The police officers, led by Michael Heath and Sandro Vazquez, reacted immediately and brought him to safety. The man was subsequently taken to hospital for evaluation. Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano commended the officers for their quick and compassionate response.

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    • bodusboub Signaler  

      Suicidaire, à 3 ou 4 mètres il risquait pas grand chose... Ils ont surtout empêché un potentiel accident de voiture, good job les flic !

      23/10/2023 à 18:23:47
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        10 m.

        24/10/2023 à 10:25:41

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