Financial crime investigator's car explodes in Italy (remote-controlled bomb)
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    Financial crime investigator's car explodes in Italy (remote-controlled bomb)

    A shocking moment in Naples: the car of a financial crime investigator explodes when a bomb is detonated. Surveillance cameras from the Carabinieri (Italian military police) capture the moment when the black car bursts into flames, its windows shatter and debris is thrown about. Italian media outlet La Stampa reports that the homemade bomb was detonated by remote control. Surprisingly, the investigator, a high-ranking member of the Guardia di Finanza, escaped unharmed. Some debris from the car was found 60 metres away in Bacoli. Subsequently, a 50-year-old man was arrested and charged with attempted murder, having prepared and planted the explosive device.

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    • bodusboub Signaler  

      il s'en sort indemne ! c'est un T 1000 non ??

      23/10/2023 à 18:20:07
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Je ne sais pas, mais un enquêteur spécialisé en crimes financiers en Italie ça doit être sacrément burné.

        28/10/2023 à 18:09:30
    • Gaijin Signaler  

      Je le vois pas sortir et vu comment la voiture crame vite, j'ai de serieux doute sur la notion de "s'en sort indemne"

      24/10/2023 à 15:52:49

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