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    Murder attempt near a children's home

    A terrifying incident occurred in Seattle outside the A for Apple Learning Center daycare center. While nearly 24 children were inside, an assassination attempt erupted outside, forcing the children to crawl for cover as bullets tore through the windows. The targeted man, aged 47, was taken to hospital with injuries described as "minor". The co-owner, Appollonia Washington, explained that this situation was something they'd simulated before due to the area they're in. The city of Seattle has seen an increase in crime and violence in recent years, and while measures are underway to increase security, the community remains concerned.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Wollah ! Comen chui choké par 7 vidéo ... wesh

      19/10/2023 à 17:55:42
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Pareil, j'ai mis 10 minutes à lire le descriptif d'une vidéo au format 1992 qui dure 0:05.

        19/10/2023 à 21:10:51
    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      vidéo la plus choquante !! j'ai perdu plus de temps a lire le titre que la vidéo !!

      19/10/2023 à 23:02:21

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