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    British train network posts shocking video of people playing with their lives and the lives of others on the tracks

    Alarming videos show children dancing on the tracks, forcing a train driver traveling at 200 km/h to apply the emergency brakes. Teenagers also throw their bikes onto the tracks and do push-ups near trains. Some parents even let their toddlers ride on the tracks. Such reckless behavior has nearly caused numerous tragedies. A spokesman for Network Rail insists that the rail network is not a playground, and urges the public to observe all safety instructions at level crossings, stressing that you must not gamble with your life

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    • Coton Signaler  

      Sélection naturelle pour c'est déchets.

      10/10/2023 à 16:29:11
    • fredo34200 Signaler  

      bientot tout ce monde dans la rubrique " choc "

      10/10/2023 à 16:32:18

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