Fatal accident during a parachute descent (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    Fatal accident during a parachute descent (Warning - shocking)

    Tragic accident at the Aeroclube de Itápolis-SP: A parachutist, deflected by strong winds, falls on the crowd during an event on Saturday afternoon. The toll was heavy: Mr. Wagner Rubens Gaido, 63, of Cosmópolis-SP, died instantly, while two women were seriously injured and taken to the Santa Casa de Itápolis. The parachutist was also injured but out of danger. Following this incident, the organizers postponed the event

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    • lagrossebiteadudule Signaler  

      Écoutez bien. À la fin de la VIDÉO on l'entend distinctement. Je pencherais plutôt pour un attentat raté.

      12/10/2023 à 10:40:32

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