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    Hamas launches massive rocket attack on Israel

    Hamas launched a major rocket attack against Israel early Saturday morning. Sirens sounded in central and southern Israel. One person was injured in Kfar Aviv by an impact on his vehicle, and a building in Ashkelon was damaged. A woman seriously injured by a rocket in southern Israel died. In Ramle, three people were injured, two of them seriously. In Tel Aviv, a building was damaged by rocket fragments. Israeli police report downed power lines and ask residents to stay indoors, especially near the Gaza border due to suspected terrorist infiltration

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    • myosine Signaler  

      situation compliquée à gaza, 45 km2, 600 000 habitants, embargo depuis + 10 ans... La réponse d'israël risque d'être féroce... pour des palestiniens déjà au fond du trou. 2 peuples pour le même strapontin.

      08/10/2023 à 14:27:55
    • rems93 Signaler  

      au début, le gars reste à côté d'une station essence.. mauvais choix

      08/10/2023 à 18:27:17
    • Tacrepe Signaler  

      Avez vous d'autres vidéos ?

      09/10/2023 à 03:24:50
    • okaj Signaler  

      et comme d'hab , les civils vont trinquer

      09/10/2023 à 17:42:30

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