Armita Geravand, a 16-year-old Iranian teenager, is in a comatose state after an alleged assault by state morality police for not wearing the mandatory hijab in Tehran. This situation is reminiscent of that of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died in similar circumstances. According to the Norwegian-based Kurdish human rights NGO Hengaw, Armita suffered serious injuries at the Shohada metro station. CCTV footage shows the teenager moving around without a hijab. The authorities denied any abuse, while Armita's parents cited a drop in blood pressure as a possible cause of the incident. However, sources point to pressure on the family and a journalist investigating the case has been arrested
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Retour au moyen age. Je me permet de donner l'@ d'un bon site internet à l'attention de ces barbares.
Olympe de Gouges, Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne, 1791.
1791 c'était pas hier!!!
Remettre en cause la véracité des propos de la police iranienne relève de l'islamophobie .
gille merguez et toutes ses putes ... pardon potes de chez lfi, acquiescent mes propos.
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