Teenage girl allegedly attacked for not wearing hijab in Tehran Webchoc.com
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    Teenage girl allegedly attacked for not wearing hijab in Tehran

    Armita Geravand, a 16-year-old Iranian teenager, is in a comatose state after an alleged assault by state morality police for not wearing the mandatory hijab in Tehran. This situation is reminiscent of that of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died in similar circumstances. According to the Norwegian-based Kurdish human rights NGO Hengaw, Armita suffered serious injuries at the Shohada metro station. CCTV footage shows the teenager moving around without a hijab. The authorities denied any abuse, while Armita's parents cited a drop in blood pressure as a possible cause of the incident. However, sources point to pressure on the family and a journalist investigating the case has been arrested

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    • phil6a Signaler  

      Retour au moyen age. Je me permet de donner l'@ d'un bon site internet à l'attention de ces barbares.
      Olympe de Gouges, Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne, 1791.
      1791 c'était pas hier!!!

      05/10/2023 à 15:45:44
    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Remettre en cause la véracité des propos de la police iranienne relève de l'islamophobie .
      gille merguez et toutes ses putes ... pardon potes de chez lfi, acquiescent mes propos.

      05/10/2023 à 20:54:43

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