Dangerous overtaking kills couple in Ferrari Webchoc.com
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    Dangerous overtaking kills couple in Ferrari

    Tragedy in Sardinia: a couple in a Ferrari died after colliding with a Lamborghini while attempting to overtake a motorhome. Seconds after impact, the Ferrari burst into flames, trapping the Swiss couple, aged 63 and 67, inside. Another couple in the caping car was injured, while an Indian couple in the Lamborghini was also hospitalized. The supercars were part of the Sardinia Supercar Experience event. The authorities have seized the vehicles for investigation

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    • malomarie Signaler  

      Tant de pognon et aussi con qu'un ado avec sa première mob.

      05/10/2023 à 14:45:25
    • PetitChoc Signaler  


      05/10/2023 à 21:11:01
    • lagrossebiteadudule Signaler  

      Le pire dans cela c'est la caravane et leurs occupants qui n'ont rien demandés ! Les autres on s'en branle, s'ils veulent crever, qu'ils crèvent brûler dans leur joujou.

      13/10/2023 à 14:06:12

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