Thief rolls on the floor before crying racism in a Walmart
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    Thief rolls on the floor before crying racism in a Walmart

    At a Walmart in New York, a woman was caught shoplifting. After being confronted by a police officer, the thief, of black descent, collapsed to the floor. As she tried to be handcuffed, she accused the store of racism, shouting "Walmart is racist!", suggesting that she was being targeted because of her skin color rather than her act. The scene drew astonishment from passers-by, and videos of the incident quickly gained traction on social networks

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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Saloperie. De toute façon, elle aurait pas couru bien loin...

      04/10/2023 à 19:19:02
    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Cétacé !

      04/10/2023 à 19:43:43
      • patochedu34  Signaler  

        Oui tu as raison, y en a marre
        C'est assez.

        10/10/2023 à 14:35:53
    • etacarinae Signaler  

      Putain mais au lieu d'essayer de la lever, roulez là dehors !!

      05/10/2023 à 14:38:03
    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      il faut quel CACES pour lever cette charge en fenwick ??

      05/10/2023 à 18:11:28
    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Pussy pass denied !

      05/10/2023 à 20:33:48

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