Liberal activist stabbed in the street (Warning - shocking)
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    Liberal activist stabbed in the street (Warning - shocking)

    A tragic incident has occurred in Brooklyn: Ryan Carson, 32, liberal activist, environmentalist and self-proclaimed member of Antifa, was fatally stabbed in an unscheduled attack. The harrowing scene was captured by a surveillance camera. Ryan and his girlfriend were sitting on a bus stop bench, chatting after a wedding. As they walked, a man in a dark sweatshirt, visibly disturbed, began kicking parked scooters. Shortly afterwards, he turned to Ryan, making threats. Despite Ryan's attempts at appeasement, the individual attacked him with a knife. Frightened, his girlfriend tried to intervene, but the assailant fled after spitting on her and kicking Ryan's body

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    • kleinergeist62 Signaler  

      B.L.M ^^

      04/10/2023 à 17:57:07
    • myosine Signaler  

      karma ce n'est que le début. attends de voir quand les jeunes majeurs, les comoriens ou les roumains qui viennent d'arriver.... prendront de l'assurance.

      05/10/2023 à 13:05:41
    • Babybel Signaler  

      Un black qui bute un antifa ? il aurait du lui dire qu il etait antifa !

      05/10/2023 à 20:46:10
    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Trop drôle ! Mais vraiment trop drôle !
      Allez hop la vidéo, dans mes favoris ! Hahaha...

      05/10/2023 à 21:17:26

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