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    Accident in Florida: a three-year-old girl is injured by an unattended pistol

    Scary accident in a Florida house: a three-year-old girl named Serenity accidentally shot herself in the hand after finding an unattended gun on a sofa. While she was playing with it, the gun went off, injuring her. The little girl's grandmother, Robin Fuller, shared the tragic video on Facebook. The little girl underwent surgery and is now recovering. Orlando Young, 23, a relative, was arrested for negligence causing serious bodily injury after leaving the gun unattended

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    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      Et voila ce qui arrive plusieurs fois par jour aux USA. Et d'aillerus on en palre de la personne dans le canap ?

      01/10/2023 à 09:36:42
    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Oui chez nous c'est les vieux mais en pire

      01/10/2023 à 20:39:15

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