Officer's hilarious chase of a chicken
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    Officer's hilarious chase of a chicken

    In a funny situation in Jonesboro, Arkansas, a young officer was put to the test by a chicken. A chicken gave Officer Nathan Swindle a hard time when, called by a woman, he tried to chase it off his apartment porch. According to a Facebook post by the Jonesboro Police Department, while his instructor, Corporal Maurice Kinnard, watched, Swindle took off after the chicken. Residents and police officers in attendance burst out laughing at the animal's mischievous antics, and he even tried to hide under a car. Finally, after nearly two minutes, the officer managed to subdue the reckless bird

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      Mdr, ça ressemble à du bizutage !

      28/09/2023 à 09:55:25
    • malomarie Signaler  

      Pour ce qu'il va finir il aurait pu le descendre.

      28/09/2023 à 16:40:10
    • okaj Signaler  

      un poulet chasse un poulet

      28/09/2023 à 16:47:11
    • lagrossebiteadudule Signaler  

      Y'a de beaux spécimens dans ce poulailler.

      12/10/2023 à 10:50:45

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