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    Police neutralize knife-wielding man shouting Allah Akbar

    Birmingham in the UK witnessed a disturbing scene. A man carrying a knife and shouting religious slogans from rooftops was filmed threatening police. The video shows the man, carrying a rucksack, waving his knife across a quiet residential street. As he advances towards a group of at least 10 armed police officers, law enforcement uses Tasers to neutralize him. The first shots seem ineffective, hitting his bag, but a subsequent shot sends the man tumbling, knocking over nearby garbage cans

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      Ça marche une fois sur trois ce taser :-(

      25/09/2023 à 10:30:38
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Allah est plus puissant qu'une décharge de 50 000 volts.
        Bouddha c'est 100 000 volts.
        Raël c'est un million.

        25/09/2023 à 16:44:06
      • Babybel malomarie Signaler  

        Heuuu.. non, 100 000 c étais Gilbert Bécaud

        29/09/2023 à 22:28:53
    • fifa Signaler  

      il fout la honte aux musulmans se débiles

      26/09/2023 à 22:16:43

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