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    He tries to stop an aggressive thief, but has to close his store because of threats and demonstrations

    In Peckham, a road is blocked by a crowd following a video posted on social networks, showing store owner Sohail Sindho appearing to put his hands around a woman's throat. The woman was allegedly trying to steal from his store, Peckham Hair and Cosmetics. Following the altercation, protesters gathered outside the closed business to denounce what they saw as an example of everyday male violence against women. The Metropolitan Police said a woman had been arrested on suspicion of assault and released on bail pending further inquiries

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    • myosine Signaler  

      et pourtant il est super soft le type. Quelle salope.

      13/09/2023 à 12:20:24
    • piradream Signaler  

      les manifestant sont des attardés visiblement !
      bravo au monsieur. il aurait lui coller une grosse tarte dans la gueule de cette connasse..

      13/09/2023 à 21:16:35
      • PetitChoc  Signaler  

        Il est acutellement poursuivit et sera sans doute condamné. On ne fait pasj ustice sois meme bordel

        14/09/2023 à 02:02:45

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