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    Pregnant woman killed after stealing liquor from store

    In the Columbus, Ohio area, a recent surveillance video reveals Ta'kiya Young, a pregnant woman, stealing alcohol from a store. She is accompanied by two female accomplices. The store alarm sounds as they make their way to the parking lot. Young climbs into a black Lexus parked in a disabled space. Two intervening policemen order her out of the car. She refuses and, in an apparent attempt to escape, collides with one of the officers. She was then hit by a fatal shot. Following this incident, BLM protests demanded the prosecution of the police officer, whose identity was not revealed

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      Et encore des manifestations pour des délinquants ...

      12/09/2023 à 20:18:40
    • myosine Signaler  

      refus d'optempérer similaire à l'autre fils de pute nahel. Quel manque de discernement de la situation chez ces gens... si pour certain y a rien de grave de voler de l'alcool, alors qu'elle s'arrête et assume... puisqu'il n'y a rien de grave.

      13/09/2023 à 11:19:07
    • lagrossebiteadudule Signaler  

      Tant mieux, ça fait une merde en moins.

      12/10/2023 à 10:55:08

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